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Canes PA - 8u Tryouts
Tue, Jun 27
|No Off Season - Field 2
This will be a brand new team in 2024. We are looking for 10-12 families committed to experiencing a high level program. We will only field 1 team at this age group and will only take the best 10-12 players and families we can find. If this fits your family then you should tryout.

Time & Location
Jun 27, 2023, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
No Off Season - Field 2, 306 Chase Drive, Tarentum, PA 15084, USA
About the event
Players should be there 10-15 minutes before the start of the event. We will be sure to have players warmed up and ready to go. Players should be in the following attire; Baseball pants (white or grey) belt for pants, baseball shirt or jersey, baseball hat, baseball turfs or cleats. Players should also bring protective gear, also helmets, bats, batting gloves, gloves for any position they are tryout out for. Catchers please bring your catchers gear as well. Thank you.
8u Tryouts June 27th
This ticket allows you chance to attend the June 27th tryout.
$35.00Sale ended